Monday, September 10, 2018

HIV Prevention and HIV Testing Services (HTS) Officers (5 Posts)

Amref Health Africa is a non-profit public health organization supporting the Government of Tanzania to address public health issues including maternal and child health, HIV, TB. Malaria and Nutrition in Tanzania since 1987. Amref Health Africa is teaming up with University of Maryland in Baltimore (UMB) to complement each other’s extensive expertise to execute a robust HIV care and treatment clinical cascade Project aiming to accelerate the achievement of the current 95-95-95 goals for HIV epidemic control in Tanzania.

The Project which is funded by The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through CDC Tanzania. branded as Afya Kamilifu Project will be implemented in Tanga region and Zanzibar Islands in collaboration and guidance from the Tanzania Ministry of Health. Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children.

Zanzibar Ministry of health and President’s Office Regions Authority and Local Government (PORALG). With this Amref Health Africa Tanzania is announcing the following positions to be filled for this Project

Position: HIV Prevention and HIV Testing Services (HTS) Officers (5 Posts)

Location Amref Country Offices in Tanga and Zanzibar
Reports to: Project Manager Zanzibar I Tanga
The focus of this role is to strengthen strategic HIV prevention and identification of PLHIV. increase positivity and coverage to attain the first 95 of the HIV clinical cascade at Projects supported facilities in respective region and district with frequent technical advice and guidance from the Project HIV preventionr’HTS advisor.


  • Ensure implementation of effective differentiated identification of PLHIV that aligns with the national standard for HIV testing.
  • Support provision of minimum package of prevention services including integration of GBV, FP and CECAP services in all care and treatment facilities
  • Advise the RH MTs and CHMTs on the agreed effective evidence-based differentiated testing models for identification of PLHIV targeting high risk sub-groups at facility level including older men. young adults. adolescent girls and young women, and Key and vulnerable population
  • Support the Prevention advisor to Strengthen knowledge, skills and practices of HTS among HCWs working in TB. Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinics, TB suspects. Clients with STI, children attending TB clinics, malnutrition clinic. and those admitted in paediatric wards the respective regions and districts
  • Facilitate STI screening and treatment in accordance with the national HIVIAIDSISTI guideline.
  • Assist the Preventionr’HTS advisor in ensuring integration of post-GBV and VAC services within the existing care and treatment services in all supported facilities include HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), STI screening and treatment, basic psycho-social assessment and counseling. care and support. collection of forensic evidence, and referral to the police or legal systems and to other community services for GBV survivors
  • Assist the Preventionr’HTS advisor in strengthening cervical cancer screening among all PLHIV women in the supported facilities as per national guidelines
  • Assist the Preventionr’HTS advisor in preparation of quarterly. semiannually and annually narrative reports to be submitted to key stakeholders.
  • Carry out any other responsibilities as assigned by supervisor.

Medical or social science degree
Proven critical analysis skills and report writing skills.
At least 2 years of “hands on experience” at a senior position in HIV prevention , care and treatment program in resource limited country
Experience working in NGO which is active in health development.
Good interpersonal and people management skills-a team player and builder.
Good command of English and Swahili language will be an added advantage.

These jobs offer competitive salary and excellent work environment.

How To Apply:
Interested individuals fulfilling the required criteria should email their application letter and CV combined as one document to  including daytime telephone contact names and addresses of three referees by Wednesday, 19th September 2018. Applicants must clearly state the position being appiied for in the subject line of the email.
Duly note that Amref Health Africa does not require applicants to pay any fee at whatever stage of the recruitment and selection process.

Amref Health Africa is an equal opportunity employer and has a non-smoking environment policy.Women and People with disability are encouraged to Apply

Amref Health Africa -Tanzania regrets that only short-listed candidates will be contacted
Source: The Guardian September 05, 2018

“You can also find these jobs advert on the Daily News of 06th September, 2018”