According to the National Bureau of Statistics data record of 2011 shows that the estimates of unemployed persons for the year 2011 are 2,368,672 persons which is equivalent to 10.7% of the labour force population. With the census records for 2012 it shows the increase in population and obviously the increase in the rate of unemployed.
With an increase rate of unemployment at over 30% According to Estimates, constituting a larger percentage of the Tanzanian youth, job searching and hiring process remains a problem for jobseekers. If you’re a jobseeker you already know the pain of applying for a job and then wait and wait and wait. with other online job listing portals in Tanzania has stepped up in bringing a solution towards this problem of unemployment. The jobs portal has managed to provide various online services and human support for recruiters to effectively find candidates of their choice and they are also providing jobseekers with opportunities to be found by desired employers.
Technology has made it easy for jobseekers and recruiters; the monopoly of printing media in advertising for jobs opportunities in Tanzania is now no more.
Online job listing portals have transformed the recruitment sector in Tanzania by providing a wider range of reach for job seekers. As for the past 5 years jobseekers were bound to purchase printing media as the only source for jobs adverts.
Although it’s still a mandate for companies to advertise on printing Medias, but there is an increase in companies who Post free ads in Tanzania via Online job listing portals and it has helped a lot of jobseekers to have access of advertised jobs for free
The online recruitment platforms have made it easy to both recruiters and jobseekers.
1. Recruiters now can post job adverts online for free and faster
2. Recruiters now advertise their vacancies online in order to gain optimum exposure for their vacancies
3. Jobseekers get access of publishing their CV’s in online portals Database
Online Job listing has changed the Recruitment process in Tanzania as we are looking forward to reducing the rate of unemployment by providing access to jobseekers and employers to connect
Saturday, April 05, 2014
How Online Job listing is Changing Recruitment in Tanzania
Chief Editor
Published Saturday, April 05, 2014