On behalf of Tanzania Trade Development Authority (TanTrade), Public Service Recruitment Secretariat invites qualified Tanzanians to fill the following vacant posts in the above public institution.
Position: Trade Policy, Planning and Facilitation Manager- 1post
Qualification Experience
· Master’s Degree either in Economics, Economic Policy Management, International Trade, Business Administration (Corporate Management) or equivalent from a recognized Institution.
· At least twelve (12) years proven working experience with seven (7)years in a senior position in a reputable organization,
· Handling trade policy, planning, research and trade facilitation affairs.
· Computer literacy
· According to TanTrade Salary Scale: TTSS 10
Send your Application Letter to the following Address,
Public Service Recruitment Secretariat,
P. O. Box 63100
Dar es Salaam.
Dead line for application is 07th February, 2015 at 3:30 p.m
Application letters should be written in Swahili or English
Application Letters Should Be Posted To The Following Address. Hand Delivery Is Not Acceptable:
Ajira Tanzania
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Trade Policy, Planning and Facilitation Manager- 1post