Twiga Bancorp Limited (TBCL) is a fast growing Non-Bank Financial Institution established under the Banking and Financial Institution Act (1991). The Institution has five Branches, two in Dar es Salaam and one each in Arusha, Dodoma and Mwanza.
The Institution also operates Sub -Branch activities at the Julius Nyerere International Airport, Nyerere Memorial Academy in Kigamboni, Dar es Salaam as well as a service outlet in Bunda, Mara Region. The Institution is in the process of managing changes by reengineering its organizational structure, introducing new products and reinforcing efficiency and professionalism in its operations. The bank has recently migrated to a state-of-the art banking software with the aim of improving it services and product offering.
In order to effect the envisaged changes, the Institution invites suitable applicants to fill the following posts:
Three (3) renewable Terms subject to performance
RESPONSIBLE TO: Chief Executive Officer
- Bachelor’s of Bachelor's Degree in Legal/Business or Banking with experience in Credit scoring System. He/she must have a minimum of 10 years of banking experience in the fields of Legal/Credit and Compliance 4 of which should be at a Senior Managerial level.
- He/she must be an Advocate of the High Court of Tanzania with a thorough knowledge of credit-related laws.
- Advise the Bank on all legal, credit and compliance matters.
- Ensure that the bank is legally and sufficiently protected against any claim and that all legal documentation are in order. and updated from time to time.
- Advising the appropriateness, consistency, validity and enforceability of all collaterals.
- Assisting in the implementation of the credit procedures by maintaining a tight control over all aspects of advance administration.
- Actioning all identified credit control events and defaults, in order to reduce rate of non-performing loans.
- Submitting annual returns and updating of Bank's records at BRELA.
- Keep the Bank informed of new or changes in legislation.
- Ensure that Bank is compliant with all regulatory and legal requirements.
- To review credit policy and procedures and ensure observance of credit standards.
- To review loan documentation ensuring adherence to loan covenants prior to sign off.
- Ensure that all collateral and legal documentation in respect of banking facilities and advances granted are obtained.
- Monitor the credit granting and updating process.
- Advising the appropriateness, consistency, validity and enforceability of collateral.
- To monitor loan portfolio and ensure maintenance of high asset quality.
- To provide guidance and leadership to recoveries' and securities units.
- To supervise preparation of various credit reports for internal use and external use.
- Secretariat to all credit committees.
- Custodian of all securities for borrowing customers.
- Ensure compliance with all policies and procedures relating to credit activities.
- Oversees the implementation and management of the Loan Risk Rating System.
- Ensure the loan officers are properly trained and are accurately analyzing the risk in their portfolios. Convene and Chair- the Risk Rating Review Committee.
- Ensure that all pertinent operational and credit risks have been identified and appropriately assessed, along with established controls and action plans to mitigate such risks.
- Perform any other activities as may be assigned by the CEO.
Applications should include the following:
- Typed letter of application hand-signed by the applicant
- Detailed CV
- Photocopies of relevant Certificates
- Two recent passport size photographs of the applicant
- Name of at least two referees with complete contact details including office and residential address, postal address, fax number, telephone/ mobile telephone numbers and e-mail address and nature of relationship
Attractive remuneration package will be offered to the successful candidate.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview
Applications should be addressed to:
The Chief Executive Officer,
Twiga Bancorp Limited,
P.O. Box 10119
Dar es Salaam.
Physical Address
Twiga House, Samora Avenue, Dar es Salaam
2nd Floor, CEO's Office.
Closing Date:
Applications should reach the Chief Executive Officer on or before 6.00pm on 6th February 2015.
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.