Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Employment Opportunities at Marian University College (MARUCO)

Marian University College (MARUCO) invites qualified Tanzanians to apply for the following vacant academic positions.

Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/ /Associate Professor/Professor in the following Disciplines:

Classical Physics/ Modern Physics/ Electronics/ Energy Materials 4

Organic/ Physical/ Inorganic Chemistry 3

Zoology/ Physiology/ Microbiology/ Botany/ Parasitology and Entomology 4


Statistics/ Applied Statistics/ Official Statistics/ Economics Statistics 3,
Mathematics 1

Applied Social Psychology/ Planning and Administration/ Assessment and Evaluation 4

Demography/ GIS and Remote Sensing/ Survey and Mapping Science/ Physical Geography/ Human Geography 4

PhD/Masters degree in any of the disciplines indicated above or equivalent from a recognized University and should have attained a bachelor’s degree with a minimum GPA of 3.8. The minimum GPA for Masters degree should not be less than 4.0 or an average of B+ for unclassified degree.

Mode of Application:
Candidates are encouraged to submit their application letters accompanied with curriculum vitae with names of three referees together with their contacts addresses, copies of certificates/transcripts and birth certificate.

Women are encouraged to apply for the positions available.

Submit your application by the deadline 30th October, 2018 to:

Deputy Principal (Administration and Finance)
Marian University College,
P.O. Box 47.
Bagamoyo. Pwani

E-mail: dpaf@maruco.ac.tz, copy: dpacademic@maruco.ac.tz N