Tanzania Health Promotion Support (THPS) is an indigenous NGO established under
nongovernmental organization act No 24 of 2002 in 2011. THPS works in partnership with
the Ministries of Health Community Development Gender Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) and Regional Administration and Local Governments (PORALG) with a goal of ensuring accessible high quality health care services to Tanzanians; through strengthening of health systems for quality health services including comprehensive HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, Support and Treatment .
THPS is currently seeking highly experienced, committed and motivated Tanzanians to fill in the following positions for AFYA KWANZA HIV Care and Treatment Program for its Headquarters office in Dar es Salaam and Regional offices in Kigoma & Pwani :
POSITION TITLE: TB / HIV Technical Advisor
REPORTS TO: Technical Director
LOCATION: Dar Es Salaam Central Office (with frequent field travel)
The TB/HIV Technical Advisor provides technical and programmatic guidance in the design, implementation and monitoring of THPS’ portfolio of TB/HIV programs. Specifically s/he will be responsible for developing program objectives, work plans, budgets, reporting and monitoring program progress. S/he will provide technical support to all THPS supported sites focusing on TB/HIV collaborative activities.
Design, plan and monitor the implementation of TB/HIV collaborative activities in care and
treatment clinics and prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV settings in THPS supported regions.
Coordinate the implementation of TB/HIV activities in compliance with national guidelines and provide leadership in implementation of the 3Is in THPS supported sites.
Conduct regular site visits and provide supportive supervision, clinical
mentoring and data review to identify emerging needs and program challenges.
Provide technical assistance to regional and district health management teams in establishing and strengthen under one-roof TB/HIV activities in THPS supported regions.
Prepare work plans and periodic progress reports including quarterly and annual reports on TB/HIV programs.
Develop TB/HIV related standard operating procedures and job aids for THPS planning purposes
Support uptake and monitoring of TB preventive therapy (Isoniazid Preventive Therapy –
IPT) across all THPS supported sites including uninterrupted supply of Isoniazid.
Provide technical assistance to MOCDGEC on national policy, guidelines, training and curriculum development.
Coordinate training of health care providers in TB/HIV screening, prevention,
diagnosis and management including pediatric uptake of TB/HIV services.
Document best practices and success stories pertaining to TB/HIV interventions.
Represent THPS at national TB/HIV forums.
Perform any other duty as directed.
Medical Doctor (MD) with a post graduate training in Public Health
Five years of experience in public health program design and management
Experience in TB and HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment service delivery
programs is an added advantage
Extensive clinical/public health knowledge and experience in TB/HIV
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Excellent interpersonal and team-building skills
Demonstrated and successful experience working in collaboration with regional and
district health management teams
POSITION TITLE: Data Manager (Two Positions)
REPORTS TO: Regional Manager Kigoma & Pwani Regions / M&E Director
LOCATION: Kigoma & Pwani Regional Offices (with frequent field travel)
To provide technical support in implementing high-standard paper-based and computerbased health facility record keeping systems for patient record management of CTC /VCT/PICT/APSS/ Cervical Cancer Screening, Nutrition and palliative care programs in
support of the Ministry of Health’s National AIDS Control Programme. To provide technical
support in data management for public health evaluations as needed.
Lead in maintaining and updating regional databases for care and treatment, , TB/HIV, HCT, and other databases as assigned
Assist to provide technical assistance to regional supported facilities within Mtwara region in collaboration with R/CHMT members
Build capacity of R/CHMT in data management and data use for program improvement
Implementation and evaluation of monitoring tools and data management
Ensure that DQA is carried out quarterly according to DQA SOP’s and that
recommendations following the site DQA visit are implemented
Ensure Mtwara Region compliance to policies for data quality assurance and reporting requirements
Train and supervise ME officers in the councils and data entry clerks in the supported CHMTs to ensure timely data entry, cleaning on a routine basis, generation of data queries and routine progress reports
Collaborate with other team members to prepare monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports on supported program areas
Develop and respond to queries related to data analysis
To perform other duties as assigned
Bachelor’s degree or certified training in Computer Science, IT/HMIS, data management or a related discipline. Advanced skills in Database programming, and analytical software an advantage
A background in nursing, health science or a related discipline are an advantage
3+ years relevant experience years experience with MS Access application development and use, data analyses with standard software packages and implementing protocols for data quality assurance.
Strong supervisory and management skills
Ability to work independently
Fluent in English & Kiswahili
Experience working with NGO’s and/or donor-funded programs
POSITION TITLE: Clinical Advisor - HIV Care and Treatment
REPORTS TO: Regional Manager Kigoma
LOCATION: Kigoma Regional Office (with frequent field travel)
To provide technical support to clinical staffing for provision of multidisciplinary familyfocused HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment services at THPS supported facilities. This entails HIV counseling and testing at all entry points including, Provider Initiated testing and Counseling (PITC), enrollment of adults and adolescents living with HIV into care and
antiretroviral treatment (ART); enhancing retention and minimizing lost to follow up
(LTFU), effective adherence and psychosocial support, implementation of collaborative
TB/HIV activities, efficient management of commodities and ongoing mentorship and
supportive supervision. S/He will work with the PMTCT/Pediatrics technical advisor to
ensure that health care providers are well equipped with skills to appropriately manage
infants, children and adolescents living with HIV according to national and international
To provide direct technical assistance to the staff at THPS supported health care
facilities; onsite staff capacity building on HIV/AIDS clinical management , clinical
mentoring, patient flow analysis, improvement of adherence support systems,
strengthen of referral systems, etc.
To facilitate Provider Initiated Testing and counseling at all key entry points of the
health facility to increase identification of PLHIV and their enrollment to Care &
Treatment and retention in treatment
To implement creatively efforts to support quality pediatric HIV services.
To establish and monitor innovative adherence and retention strategies at THPS
supported health facilities in collaboration with clinical and adherence psychosocial
support and community linkages teams.
To facilitate integration between TB and HIV services including infection control
within HIV care and treatment clinics, TB screening and identification of TB suspects
for diagnostic work up and treatment initiation, and isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT)
To ensure that THPS-supported clinical care activities at multiple delivery sites
conform to the Tanzanian national guidelines.
To develop with other Advisors and Technical Director the care and treatment related
materials, including job aides, protocols, algorithms and other necessary tools.
To assist the Kigoma Regional Manager to develop Annual regional work plan and to
review its implementation.
To assist the Kigoma Regional Manager in the development of monthly and quarterly
To coordinate implementation of clinical HIV/AIDS technical support from THPS in Tanzania
To coordinate and supervise quality improvement (QI) initiatives in the region
To perform any other duties as may be assigned by supervisor
MD; Master’s degree (MPH or equivalent); Public health training is desirable.
At least 5 years’ experience in working in HIV care and treatment
Extensive clinical experience in care and treatment of people living with HIV/AIDS
Experience working in collaboration with local government partners (R/CHMTS) and NGOs.
Excellent team orientation, openness, responsiveness and conflict management skills
Ability to work independently
Excellent English and Swahili oral/written communication
Excellent interpersonal and management skills.
POSITION TITLE: Clinical Program Officer HIV Care and Treatment
REPORTS TO: Regional Manager Kigoma
LOCATION: Kigoma Regional Office (with frequent field travel)
To provide support to the regional team in the provision of quality, comprehensive HIV care
and treatment services across THPS supported health facilities in Kigoma region. S/he will
ensure effective enrollment, linkage to treatment follow-up and retention and viral
suppression of all HIV identified children, adolescents and adults. S/He will work with other
staff in the key intervention areas of PMTCT/EID, Cervical Cancer Prevention, TB/HIV,
Adherence Psychosocial Support and Community Linkages, Pharmacy and Laboratory
support services to enhance performance of the overall regional program.
To promote HIV counseling and testing at high yielding entry points of the health
facilities to increase identification of PLHIV and their enrollment and linkage to care & treatment services in the era of Test and Start policy
To provide technical assistance to healthcare providers at THPS supported health facilities on HIV/AIDS clinical management and uptake of interventions especially HIV viral load monitoring
To strengthen retention strategies and minimize loss to follow up for clients newly initiated on antiretroviral treatment including children, adolescents and adults
To facilitate integration of TB and HIV services including intensified case finding,
infection control plans development and implementation, and isoniazid preventive
herapy for eligible clients.
To ensure that THPS-supported clinical care activities at multiple delivery sites conform to the Tanzania national guidelines.
To support proper documentation of service delivery in appropriate national monitoring tools including CTC 2 cards and registers
To work with Senior Clinical Advisor in the development of monthly and quarterly reports.
To perform any other duties as may be assigned by supervisor
Medical Doctor degree from an accredited university
Completed one year internship
English and Swahili oral/written communication
Good communication skills.
POSITION TITLE: APSC Community & Linkage Field Officer
REPORTS TO: Regional Manager Kigoma
LOCATION: Kigoma Regional Office (with frequent field travel)
Establish and facilitate the implementation of adherence, psychosocial support and
community linkages program (APSC) including to establish/strengthen facility - community
partnership/linkage mechanism, build the capacity of R/CHMT to establish/strengthen and
implement APSC program, build capacity of health care providers in enhancing adherence
and retention to HIV care and treatment, establish/strengthen internal referral system between various service units within the health facilities and conduct supportive supervision andmentorship on APSC services in Mtwara region. The job entails extensive travel up to 80%
within all districts of Mtwara region.
The incumbent will be a member of the Adult and Paediatric care and treatment, team and
will provide day-to-day oversight of the following areas:
The incumbent will be a member of the Adherence and Psychosocial support and
Community linkages and will provide a day-to-day oversight of the following areas:
Psychosocial support groups in PMTCT
Manage and roll out psychosocial support groups for HIV positive mothers enrolled
in the PMTCT care at THPS supported health facilities.
Facilitate the sub-granted NGO working in THPS supported area to manage and
administer the monthly PSG meetings.
Facilitate close linkages, networks and referral mechanisms between the facilitybased
PSGs and various community based support services including the PLHIV
support groups
Work closely with the PMTCT team at regional level to ensure high quality services
Work with districts and the sub-contracted NGO (WAMA) to conduct PMTCT
sensitization activities to raise awareness of PMTCT in the communities
Coordinate and link PSG members to other community support services:
Assist in preparations of Regional semi-annual PSG meetings on six monthly basis
Peer Education in both PMTCT and CTC
Assist in conducting selection, training and supportive supervision of Peer educators
Support the implementation of peer education program in PMTCT and Care and
Treatment settings by ensuring PEs trace defaulters, mobilize ANC/PNC HIV
infected women to join support groups and assist in conducting PSG meetings,
providing testimonials and linking positive mothers into care and treatment services.
Work with both DACC and CHAC to develop inventory for community-based
support services within the Pwani region and Strengthen community mobilization
activities and linkages with community based organizations
Work with District councils and the NGO responsible for the PE program to ensure
establishment, registration and support is provided to the PE support groups
Clinical adherence support
Work with APSC PO to provide technical assistance to HCWs on care and treatment
sites to implement protocols on adherence support for clients on antiretroviral care
and treatment
Assist in the assessment of APSC specific standards of care (SOC) at the THPS
supported health facilities.
Conduct supportive supervision and CMEs on clinical adherence support to HCWs as
per THPS site support guidelines
Distribute to facilities the relevant job aids and materials related to adherence
counselling and assessment
Maintain the relationship with RHMT and CHMT and Faith based organizations
responsible for APSC services in the region.
Take part in the integration of other programs, PMTCT, Pediatric, PHDP, cervical
cancer screening and TB/HIV units within APSC in the region through training and
To prepare monthly summary report and provide periodic progress reports and
provide input for the preparation of the quarterly reports.
Performs other related duties as assigned
Diploma or Advanced Diploma in Nursing/Medicine
Certificate in National ART training and/or PMTCT care spectrum counseling
Work experience in HIV and AIDS care and treatment/PMTCT settings
Work experience/training in the National VCT/PITC counseling is an added advantage
Work experience with community-based PLHIV groups or PLHIV post-test groups is an
added advantage
Familiarity with district-level health care systems in Tanzania is highly desired
Strong supervisory and management skills
Ability to work independently with strong problem-solving skills
Good verbal and written communication skills
How to apply:
Interested applicants should apply through THPS website (www.thps.or.tz) using vacancy
link located under career opportunities, attaching their application cover letter one page
maximum and CV four pages maximum by October 12th 2018 with a subject line for
example: TB / HIV Technical Advisor. Only short listed applicants will be contacted.
Please do not attach any certificates when submitting online.
THPS is an equal opportunity employer; women and people living with HIV/AIDS are
encouraged to apply.
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Job Opportunities at Tanzania Health Promotion Support (THPS)
Wednesday, October 03, 2018
Job Opportunities at Tanzania Health Promotion Support (THPS)
Published Wednesday, October 03, 2018
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