Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Midline Evaluation Consultancy

Midline Evaluation Consultancy for European Commission Kijana Wajibika programme

Closing date: July 10, 2018 at 16.00pm (Tanzanian time).

Location: The assignment is expected to take place in 36 wards, within 5 regions namely Dar es Salaam, Pwani, Morogoro, Iringa and Kilimanjaro covering both rural and urban areas.


Restless Development (formerly Student Partnerships Worldwide) is a youth-led international development agency currently working in 10 countries across Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, the USA and the UK. In Tanzania, Restless Development focuses on delivering rights-based youth development initiatives in rural and urban Tanzania using peer-to-peer education and youth volunteering to achieve its mission of “placing young people at the forefront of change and development”.


Restless Development in partnership with Tanzania Bora Initiative secured fund from European Commission to implement Kijana Wajibika project; a three years project (2016-2019) targeting young men and women aged 15-35, the project seek to empower young people with knowledge, skills and networks, connect them to meaningful opportunities to participate, support them to curate official data and generate their own, then they will lead in driving accountability for commitments made by their leaders during the election period, the national development framework and Global Goals for sustainable development in five districts of Tanzania Main land; Temeke, Kibaha, Morogoro Urban, Iringa Rural and Moshi.

The midline evaluation will identify, review and assess the current status of Indicators for Kijana Wajibika Project within project area.

Interested candidates should send:
● An expression of interest (cover letter) indicating availability.
● An updated CV (including references from previous assignments).
● Economic proposal and technical proposal (including a methodological) to

For more information, please download the Terms of Reference below.