Thursday, May 17, 2018

Supplies Officer - Store

Mbozi Coffee Curing Company Limited is located in Mbozi District Mlowo industrial area along Tunduma highway to the boarder of Tanzania and Zambia in Songwe Region southern part of Tanzania.

Mbozi Coffee Curing Company Limited is a private company owned by Coffee farmers through co-operative union around the country by 68.27 percent shares and Tanzania government 31.73 percent shares. Core business of Mbozi Coffee Curing Company Limited is processing (curing) of parchment coffee from farmers through co-operative union, Agriculture marketing co-operative society (AMCOS) and providing warehouse service to Coffee buyers after auction.

The Management of the Company is hereby inviting application from suitable qualified and experienced, dynamic and motivated young Tanzanian citizen to immediately fill vacant positions currently existing in MBOZI COFFEE CURING COMPANY LIMITED.



Holder of a Bachelor Degree / Advanced Diploma in Material Management with Certified Procurement and Supplies Professional (CPSP) or its Equivalent and registration with PSPTB as Certified Procurement and Supplies Professional with at least three (3) years working experience as a Supplies Officer in a reputable Organization.

Supplies Officer shall be employed on Permanent and pensionable terms.

Attractive package MSS 10 will be offered to successfully Candidate.

As approved by Board of Directors.

i. Responsible for Efficiency receiving, Inspection, Storage and Issuance of right Material, of right quality at the right time to the Company.
ii. Recommending to the heads of Department and Sections standards and procedures for the storage and issuance of all materials and services required for the proper operations.
iii. Co-ordinate with departmental and sectional heads for the salvage of usable materials and the disposal of obsolete and non-salvageable items.
iv. Proper implementation of storage procedures and documentation for
a) Goods receiving, Inspection and quality control.
b) Material handling and stock recording
c) Material requisition and Issuing
d) Housekeeping and Security of Material
e) Stock-taking.
v. Ensuring availability of necessary material all the time according to established stock levels.
vi. Ensuring efficient, safe and economical storage of Materials and Supplies in the store and stockyard.
vii. Ensuring availability of receiving and issuing documents all the time and making sure that they are completed according to professional stores keeping principles.
viii. Periodic inspection and stocktaking of material and Supplies.
ix. Preparing Material Annual Expenditure budget and ensure adherence to established standard of material usage.
x. Ensuring the material and Supplies are delivered at the right time, in the right quality, at the right place and issued to the right users.
xi. Ensure that proper record - keeping system is maintained for all stores.
xii. Carrying out stock balance in quality and value every month, quarter, half year and end of year.
xiii. Ensuring carrying out of annual stocktaking of all material, movable fixed assets and unmovable fixed assets.
xiv.Timely and correctly answering of audit queries relating to material supplies and store keeping.
xv. Ensuring proper and adequate taking of Insurance for material and fixed assets.
xvi. Ensuring proper valuation of material and fixed assets.
xvii.Recommending to the Management on economic stocks purchase qualities, re-order level, re-order time and effective system of stock control.
xviii.Performing and other duties as may be assigned by the Finance and Administrative Manager.

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i. All Applicants have to be Citizen of Tanzanian.
ii. Applicants have to attach current Curriculum Vitae (CV) which includes names, addresses, reliable telephone numbers and email addresses of the three (3) academic and work related references.
iii. Applicants should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contracts.
iv. Testimonials, transcript and results slips will not be accepted
v. Deadline for application 14 days from the date of this advertisement.
vi. Applications letters should be written in English and sent to the following address.

The General Manager
Mbozi Coffee Curing Company Limited
P.O.BOX. 291,