Friday, February 02, 2018

Coordinator Local Area Development Plan


Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program Coordination Unit Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric Project

Advert for recruitment of a Local Area Development Plan (LADP) Tanzania Coordinator Local position

1. Description of the Project
The Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric project (RRHP) is one of the priority regional project in the Nile countries and aims at development of low-river hydropower facility with envisaged installed capacity of 80 MW to be equally shared between the three countries. The power station and associated hydraulic infrastructure will be situated at the Rusumo Falls, where the Kagera River forms the boundary between Tanzania and Rwanda, and ii) transmission facilities connecting the power plant to the national  grids of Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania.

The local Area Development Plan (LADP) is a benefit sharing program designed to enhance regional economic and social development in the project area. The LADP project area includes Ngara District in Tanzania, Kirehe and Ngoma District in Rwanda and communes of Giteranyi (Muyinga Province) and Busoni (Kirundo Province) in Burundi.

2. Project Institutional Arrangement
The project Implementation arrangements consist of: (a) The Rusumo Power Company Limited (RPCL), the project Owner and (b) NELSAP acting  as the Project implementing Entity on behalf of the RPCL LADP project will be implemented by district authorities with support/monitoring from NELSAP PIU

3. Objective
The Term of Reference (ToRs) relates to the position of LADP Coordinator, NELSAPRusumo Project Implementation Unit, to support the day to day activities related to the implementation of local Area Development Plan (LADP) in Ngara District.

4. Required Qualification and Experience:
The LADP Coordinator, will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
(a) A Bachelor`s Degree in Agronomy, Sociology, Development Studies, Social anthropology, Community Development, Political Science, Project management, Engineering or related field.
(b) Expertise in the development and use of participatory approaches at all level (national and community), preferably in complex project with tangible positive impact on project implementation.
(c) At least seven (7) years of work experience in project implementation and participatory approaches with a range of stakeholder with demonstrated practical experience in project planning monitoring and Evaluation.
(d) Excellent consensus –building, multi-cultural, and interpersonal skills; Strong team building and monitoring capabilities; Knowledge and skills in the use of consensus building tools will be an asset.
(e) Excellent writing, analytical, presentation, and reporting skills
(f) Must be Fluent in English or French language and the knowledge of both language will be an advantage. They should also communicate in the local  language (Kiswahili)
(g) Must be knowledge in the Tanzania administrative settings and hierarchy in addition to having a deep understanding of the cultures, livelihoods strategies of the communities that will be covered by the LADP activities.
(h) Good computing skills, including knowledge of software packages for word processing, databases, and spreadsheet; Familiarity with modern communication system (such as Internet, worldwide web, email, etc).
(i) Experience working within international and donor organization contexts and especially familiarity with the policies, procedures and practices of major bilateral and multilateral development agencies is an advantage.
(j) Willing to work and reside within the project area, as work demands.

How to apply
Interested Applicants should apply by submitting:
(i) A cover letter with statement on applicant`s interest in the given assignment and suitability based on the given TOR
(ii) Curriculum Vitae (CV) including  date of birth and nationality(Recommended CV Format Attached in TORS on website)
(iii) Copies of academic & professional training certificates

Deadline for submission is on February 19th 2018 before 17:00

Hours Tanzania time through the email:
and with copy to jngurinzira@nilebasin.or and

Detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) can be accessed on the following
Website: and

All applications must be delivered via e-mail to the addresses above.

Hard copies can also be submitted to Ngara District Office.

While we thank you interest, only shortlisted candidate will be contacted.