The University of Dar es Salaam invites applications from suitably qualified Tanzanians to be considered for immediate employment to fill the following vacant posts:
Job Title: Nursing Assistant II (15 posts)
Qualifications and Experience:
· Holder of National Form IV Certificate who has completed a one year pre-nursing course from a recognized Nursing Training Centre with at least four years relevant working experience in a similar position.
Main Duties:
· Maintains cleanliness of the infrastructure including floors, walls, windows lockers, toilets bathrooms and surroundings, as well as making beds and tiding rooms and wards;
· Ferries and distributes food to patients;
· Assists nurses in administering drugs, dressing wounds and administration of intramuscular injections only;
· Monitors and records temperature, blood pressure and purse;
· Takes specimen; and
· Performs any other duties as may be assigned from time to time by his/her senior.
Salary Scale: PMOSS 3
Permanent and pensionable
Interested candidates should apply in confidence enclosing:
(i) Detailed CV.
(ii) Photocopy of relevant certificates and transcripts.
(iii) Names and addresses of two referees.
(iv) Mode of communication, e.g. Telephone, fax, email, etc.
(i) For the positions of Technicians, Laboratory Scientists, Laboratory Engineers and Laboratory Assistants, candidates should indicate the College/ School and Departments to which they apply.
(ii) Applicants currently employed in the Public Service should channel their application letters through their respective employers. Non-disclosure of such status will lead to automatic disqualification.
(iii) Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.
Interested applicants should submit their applications to the following address:
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration)
University of Dar es Salaam
P.O. Box 35091
Deadline: 11th August 2015
Friday, July 31, 2015
Nursing Assistant II (15 posts)