Sunday, December 21, 2014

Radio Editor

UZIKWASA is a non-government organization that operates in Pangani District, Tanga Region. In the 10 years since its inception, UZIKWASA has established a dynamic relationship with the local communities through integrated programs in HIV/AIDS, Gender,  Transformative Leadership and Culture. UZIKWASA’s innovative model grass root interventions  include a multimedia rural communication campaign with integrated media that foster an ongoing community dialogue on key development issues.  UZIKWASA runs its own community radio station Pangani FM  107.7 which is a key component in UZIKWASA’s communication efforts. The radio is also a part of a comprehensive impact and process monitoring system. UZIKWASA is looking for a committed, highly motivated and energetic Tanzanian for the position of a Radio Editor


  •   S/he is expected to inspire and lead a team  of journalists and program makers into a new era of creativity and  supports them  through  strengthening their  capacity in radio programming.
  •  Supported by the radio station manager s/he provides competent  leadership in the production of  high quality radio programs that re-enforce  UZIKWASA overall program focus,  reflecting  community priorities and ownership.
  •   S/he provides and receives feedback and encourages critical and constructive output reviews.
  •  This also involves working closely with the UZIKWASA program team and monitoring team  in the development of a dynamic and innovative radio content through the delivery of  interactive programs  that stimulate and maintain a continuous community dialogue about pressing development issues. 

  •     The applicant has strong editorial judgement and strong  organisational  and networking skills.
  •     S/he is capable of setting deadlines and meeting them and s/he is confident in working with a creative team and able to lead others to develop  their full capacity.
  •     S/he encourages innovativeness and creativity in program design. 
  •     This includes ability to  provide and receive feedback and facilitate critical and constructive output reviews. S/he is keen to work  in an environment of shared  learning and innovation and s/he is able to “think out of the box” realising the special role that the radio has in the delivery of UZIKWASA grass root interventions.   
  •     A recognised journalism qualification and experience in quality training courses.
  •     A minimum of 4 years experience  in radio programming. 
  •     Advanced computer skills including familiarity with common editing software such as Adobe audition are a requirement as well as proficiency in Kiswahili and English (written and spoken).
Send hard copies(!)  of your  C.V and at least two letters of reference; a statement of not more than one page on your experience related to the job you are seeking, and why you want to work in this position; UZIKWASA is an equal opportunity employer, female candidates are encouraged to apply.
Deadline  for applications: January 15th 2014.

The Human Resource Manager
P.O Box 1,