Position: Project Assistant - (KILINDI DISTRICT)
Company: AMREF Tanzania
The position reports to the project manager - kilindi
Purpose of the job:
To assist in the implementation of the project objectives on sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) community programming
Key Duties:
- -Assist in developing,planning and implementing SRHR activities in the line with the project work plans.
- -Assist in developing/adapting relevant IEC/BCC materials to support field activities.
- -Working in conjunction with the relevant government and county departments and other partiners to plan and supervise the implementation of the project activities.
- -Assisting in advocating for direct povert alleviation through SRHR services,comprhensive sexuality education and reduction of sexual and gender based violence(SGBV)
- -Supporting capacity building of nomadic girls,boys,women and men on effects of FGC and adoption of new ways of abandoning the practice through ARP approach
- -Network with relevant partners(MoHSW,NGOs,CBOs,FBOs,and Youth Groups etc) to stregthen partnership in eliminating the FGC practice.
- -Participating in continous monitoring and evaluation through quality data collection,analyzing and dissemination.
- -The ideal candidate should posses a diploma,or first degree in social sciences or its equivalent with relevant experience of working with nomadic pastoral societies.
- -Minimum of three(3) years relevant work in a busy NGO working in pastoral communities.
- -Deeper understanding of Maaasai cultures especially those dealing sexuality
- -Experience in project management,community mobolozation and community development essentilas
- -The candidate must be ICT proficiency and strong analytical,problem-solving and networking skills
- -Should be a team prayer and a good communicator
- -Applicants from nomadic communities will be given priority.
If you meet the criteria given above and are interested,please send in an application letter with a detailed CV indicating your present employer and position,daytime telephone number,names and address of two referees.To be considered,your application must be received before 16:30hrs on 20th September ,2013.
All correspondence should be directed to:E-mail: jobs.tanzania@amref.org
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
Soure:The Guardian 9th September 2013
Deadline: 20th September ,2013.