Position: Public Financial Management Advisor – 1 Post- Re-Advertised
Place: Ministry Of Finance (PFMRP - PHASE IV)
REPORT TO: Programme Manager
· The PFM Adviser is to provide technical advice and support to the Permanent Secretary Treasury and at operational level the DSPFM at the MoF, in leading
and coordinating the implementation of the PFMRP in accordance with the vision, goals and strategy set out in the Strategy.
Purpose And Scope Of The Job
· The PFM advisor will mainly be responsible for capacity building and providing technical support for delivery of PFMRP outputs.
Responsibilities And Duties
- Provide the Programme with technical advice on strategy, organization, management, inputs and implementation of the PFMRP and ensure informed and agreed adjustments are carried out as necessary
- To analyze, advise and monitor planned outcome of PFM interventions
- Supporting Component Managers in implementing activities by providing technical advice to develop TORs, RFP and BOQs - i.e. performing a quality assurance role at both the formulation and contact management stages. This will relate especially to the timing and initiation of entire procurement processes.
- Ensure planned PFM interventions are accurately technically prioritized and sequenced
- Maintain regular liaison with the Components Implementing the various KRAs and provide appropriate technical advice to ensure milestones are being achieved in line with the laid down action plan and implementation of M&E framework
- Developing the technical capacity of Commissioners, Directors and Component Managers, through mentoring and coaching as they focus on implementing PFMRP activities and identifying capacity gaps and recommending interventions including training requirement for staff to ensure effective management of the programme
- Guide and assist the development of papers, periodic reports and documents needed to support Joint Steering Committee decisions on PFMRP implementation
- To provide technical advice on financial management issues and accountability related to PFM reforms
- Be the main interface on all the external assessment with the main stakeholders (PEFA, CPAR, Fiduciary risk assessments)
- Perform any other duties which are relevant for the Program successful implementation as may be directed by the Programme Coordinator.
- Masters degree /Post-graduate diploma in either Finance, Business Administration or Management
- Should have at least ten (10) years experience in major PFM reforms of which at least seven (7) should be international experience in PFM programmes and projects.
- Knowledge of contemporary developments in public sector financial management reforms from a comparative perspective; an awareness of issues and complexities involved in the financial management of the reform process, including design, monitoring and co-ordination of the same
- Proven track record and knowledge of current developments in management techniques particularly as they relate to the design and delivery of PFM reform programmes
- Substantive experience in undertaking capacity building activities in PFM including leadership activities on strategic management on revenue mobilization, policy analysis, planning and budget management
- Familiarity with, and an understanding of financial management and development problems of least developed countries, gained through having worked in such situations
- Excellent analytical, communication skills and a clear ability to draft reports in a lucid and succinct style appropriate for the readership
- Proven knowledge and skills in Management Information System (MIS).
- Excellent skills with good working experience in Financial Management.
- Sound knowledge and skills in Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) procedures and scoring process and Public Expenditure Review (PER).
- Sound experience in using Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) as tool for Government planning, budgeting and reporting
· Substantive knowledge in Public Financial Management;
· Ability to work independently with minimum supervision;
· Fluent spoken and written English and Kiswahili languages;
· Good interpersonal skills;
· Be result oriented and self motivated; and
· Ability to work as a team
TENURE: Contract (2 years renewable)
REMUNERATION: Attractive salary (Negotiable)
i. All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania and not above 45 years old, however, should also observe the age limit for each position where indicated.
ii. Applicants must attach an up-to-date current Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contact postal address, e-mail address and telephone numbers.
iii. Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement.
iv. The title of the position and institution applied for should be written in the subject of the application letter and marked on the envelope; short of which will make the application invalid.
v. Applicants must attach their detailed relevant certified copies of Academic certificates:
- Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates.
- Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma transcripts.
- Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates.
- Computer Certificate
- Professional certificates from respective boards
- One recent passport size picture and birth certificate.
vii. Testimonials, Partial transcripts and results slips will not be accepted.
viii. Presentation of forged academic certificates and other information in the CV will necessitate to legal action
ix. Applicants for senior positions currently employed in the public service should route their application letters through their respective employers.
x. Applicants for entry levels currently employed in the Public Service should not apply, they have to adhere to Government Circular Na. CAC. 45/257/01/D/140 dated 30th November 2010.
xi. Applicants who have/were retired from the Public Service for whatever reason should not apply.
xii. Applicants should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts.
xiii. Certificates from foreign Universities should be verified by Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU)
xiv. Dead line for application is 2nd May, 2013 at 3:30 p.m
xv. Applicants with special needs/case (disability) are supposed to indicate
xvi. Women are highly encouraged to apply
xvii. Only short listed candidates will be informed on a date for interview
xviii. Application letters should be written in Swahili or English
Public Service Recruitment Secretariat,
P. O. Box 63100
Dar es Salaam
Dead line for application is 2nd May, 2013 at 3:30 p.m