Saturday, October 13, 2012

Interview advice like no other

There is always a concern about what stunt you should pull in an interview especially when employing your playing tactics. In an interview, trust me, there are only three options:

1.   ATTACK: This may be a dangerous tactic because it means you are simply controlling the interview. This is a method where you go out and out without boundaries. You will be holding the key to the interview and the steering wheel is all yours. Be careful though with this style, some interviewers detest it grossly. You may appear in control but if you take it further and without any prior experience then you may take the conversation a stray.

2.   DEFEND: The worst method in the interview history is this and I promise you if you employ it then you are out. In this method, you wait for the questions to be asked and you respond precisely as they require. 

This method discourages dialogue because the responses are mean and straight to the point. After the interviewee finishes answering a question, he waits for another question. This is the worst position you can ever be in, for both the interviewer and the interviewee because it will raise tension in the room and discomfort all together.

3.   MID - CONTROL: This is what is encouraged by most human capital specialists. In this approach, you have both control and defense in your hands. You can respond to questions comprehensively when asked to, you can ask a question when you feel like and the gear engaged is neutral where everyone is in the conversation. Most human resource managers will agree with me that an interview should be more of a conversation than a question – answer session and this is the method that can guarantee that.

If you have had previous interviews, you may have asked yourself by now what the hell went wrong? Why did I not get the job? Because your interview was gross. That is the basic answer. When an employer decides to call you for an interview, he has probably seen your CV and liked whoever he saw through it. When he gives you a chance to show that you are the person he saw through the CV, please prove it. I highly think that there is no employer who calls you to an interview with an intention of not giving you a job. All you need to have in your mind while approaching the interview room is that someone in the interview room already likes you and you have an equal opportunity to getting the job like all interviewees.

When an employer sees the CV, he likes it and calls you for an interview, you have around half an hour to prove and show that you are the right person for the job. This includes the method that you will use to approach the interview. If you choose to play attack or defensive, be careful because these methods require prior knowledge of your employer.

When to use attack.
This method is used on instances where you know that the employer is desperate for your specific skill. Normally, people in fields like qualified actuaries, tax specialists in transfer pricing or any other unique field can use these method. It involves you asking more questions than the interviewer, enquiring more about the employer, agreeing on matters like salary and allowances. The control here basically is with the interviewer. Be careful though not to go beyond the borders but maintain dignity as a prospective employee.

When to use defence
This method is not recommended in many instances but if you are applying for a job in a company that understands your past like if you were fired from your previous job and you may know that this employer needs your skill, then you need this method. It will be applicable when demonstrating the cause of you being fired or reasons for termination. It requires situations where there are bad stereotypes or perceptions about you and you need to clear them during an interview.

When to use Mid – Control
The truth is ……..Always. This is the best method that you can apply when not the above positions. It integrates the two approaches very well and it can easily give you the job. In this method, be drawn back and appear professional. Don’t be an extrovert or introvert but maybe lukewarmAsk questions when necessary respond to questions comprehensively and pose professionally while displaying a corporate attitude.

Whatever method you employ, we ask you to first consider the circumstances around your interview.