Sunday, July 31, 2011



The East African Community (EAC) has enormous animal resources that contribute substantially to the economies of the EAC Partner States and the livelihoods for livestock keepers, especially pastoralist communities who form a large proportion of the region's livestock ownership.

The EAC Regional Avian Influenza Response Project is a three year project funded by the EU that specifically aims at harmonizing and synergizing and coordinating national action plans for avian influenza and other trans-boundary diseases (TADS) and enhancing sustainable capacity of the EAC Secretariat and national veterinary services.

The EAC Secretariat has secured funds through a Letter of Agreement arrangement with FAO under the EU supported EAC Regional Avian influenza Response Project to develop a regional livestock policy.

Broad objective of the Consultant,

To formulate a draft EAC livestock policy that will guide the overall development and coordination of the livestock sector in the region taking into consideration pro poor strategies.

Scope of Work
1. To Collect, collate, review and analyze EAC Partner States national policy tools (such as PRSPs, strategy, laws regulations and standards) and identify key driving policy factors and livestock productions systems;

2. To review and document best practices of other RECs, AU-IBAR and FAO regional livestock policies or strategies, international policies and strategies and trade regulations like WTO SPS and OIE regulations that can have impact on livestock;

3. To identify policy and institutional challenges as well as policy options and institutions that are needed to create an environment that supports livestock development and regional trade.

4. Identify policy issues for harmonization and mechanisms to address them, including the challenges of climate change and variability and other cross cutting issues.

5. To prepare two (2) reports.lhe reports include background report and a draft harmonized Policy for EAC Secretariat, including proposed Institutional framework for policy implementation.

6. Present the draft livestock policy to national stakeholders its Partner States.

7. Present the draft Livestock Policy for validation to relevant stakeholders.

How to apply

Interested bidders should submit proposals in a sealed envelope clearly marked "RFP FOR CONSULTANCY TO DEVELOP EAC LIVESTOCK EAC LIVESTOCK POLICY - EAC/SRVCS/10-11/00024 " to the address as below not later than Friday, 5th August, 2011 AT 1500 Hrs. The detailed Terms of Reference can be downloaded from the EAC website at .

The Secretary, Tender Committee, East African Community,

5th Floor, AICC Building,

P.O. Box 1096,

Arusha, Tanzania.

Tel: +255 27 250 4253-8