Friday, March 23, 2018

Project Officer - Disaster Risk Reduction Project


Job Opportunity for the Position of Project Officer - Disaster Risk Reduction Project in Msalala District

Capacity Building Initiative for Poverty Alleviation (CABUIPA) is the organization that was registered and incorporated under the companies Act of 2002. It is a company limited by guarantee and not having share capital. The organization was registered on 27th April 2007. Currently, CABUIPA is working in partnership with Oxfam to implement the project entitled “Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Msalala District. The project aims to achieve three results namely:

1. Understanding of DRR- Conduct Vulnerability Risk Assessments (VRA), formation of knowledge groups and creating opportunities for knowledge sharing and management.
2. Response Preparedness- Putting in place or reactivating information and alert systems and linking communities with relevant stakeholders, develop preparedness/contingency plan, strengthening systems to access contingency stocks and setting up a Humanitarian Response Grant facility.
3. Mitigation and resilience- Creating avenues for income generating activities to mitigate against risks and supporting sustainable community –managed adaptation measures and increase knowledge and innovation to mitigate impact of natural hazards.

CABUIPA as an implementingpartner of the project entitled ‘’ Disaster Risk Reduction project in Msalala District” is looking for the Project Officer to fill in the following vacant position:

Title:   DRR Project Officer (Full-time Project Officer)
Position reports to:               CABUIPA Project Coordinator
Location:                                Msalala District, Shinyanga Region
Duration:                              2 years (Renewable due to availability of funds)

1. Conduct Vulnerability Risk Assessment (VRA) in Msalala   District involving citizens (ordinary men and women), local government leaders, and district officials in Msalala District.
2. Design project related radio programmes involving local radio station (Kahama F.M), and broadcast project activities/information through Kahama local radio including information on early warning information system.
3. Design project related Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Materials involving local artisans and disseminate these to project participants.
4. Facilitate District contingency planning in Msalala District as well as strengthening systems to access contingency stocks in all targeted villages.
5. Facilitate the process for development/preparation and review of ward level action plans to mitigate the negative impact of disaster/shock/stress.
6. Facilitate the process for assessment and rehabilitation of storage facilities in  the three (3)  target wards of Msalala  District.
7. Provide support on collective Community Preparedness Actions  (evacuation shelters, materials, etc)
8. Provide on-going support to Ward Agricultural Extension Officers in a way that enables them to provide regular agricultural extension services  to communities.
9. Ensure timely procurement, distribution and storage of certified   drought tolerant/Resistant seeds and tools
10. Provide support to construction of water diversion, drainage channels & collection chambers and community owned food storage facilities at ward level.
11. Provide support to procurement and logistics support for women SACCOS in target wards.
12. Facilitate the establishing (reactivating) Disaster Management Committees at District/Ward levels.
13. Strengthen district governance and accountability through planning, organizing and facilitating quarterly meetings at district level.
14. Conduct Village level Disaster Risk Management (DRM) trainings involving leaders and Women CBOs.
15. Conduct training to project beneficiaries/participants on diversified Agricultural production, Business skills, market linkage establishment, identification of GBV risks and mitigation planning at community levels and facilitate exchange visits to beneficiaries.
16. Provide support to district gender/protection desks to address impact of disaster risks to safety of women, children and other vulnerabilities.

Master Degree in Programme Management (including Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation, Documentation and Learning) with at least 5 years’ experience in managing/coordinating development/humanitarian projects.
Experience in Donor-funded projects is preferable
Excellent knowledge of English and in Kiswahili
Knowledge and skills in conductingproject evaluations, assessments, research studies including extensive experience in data collection, entry, analysis and presentation.
Knowledge and skills in Designing radio programs, Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Materials.
Self- trust and confident in working with development/humanitarian projects
Ability to work independently to meet deadlines

How to apply:
All interested candidates who meet the qualification and experience listed above should channel their cover letters, detailed resumes/CVs and certified copies of their relevant certificates to:

Executive Director
Capacity Building Initiative for Poverty Alleviation (CABUIPA)
PO Box 748
Kahama, Shinyanga
Office Tel: +255 769 317 296


Deadline for submitting the applications: Application letters should reach the address named above before 26th March 2018 at 1700HRS.

Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted for the interview.
No phone calls please.