Friday, February 23, 2018

HIV and Health Officer

Job Vacancy: HIV and Health Officer
Employer: Pasadit OVC Project,
Location: Tanga Mjini Tanga

The Project HIV AND HEALTH Officer will report directly to the Project Manager.
Her/his activities will be:

  • Represent the CSOs and coordinate with the council health management Team regarding HIV and health related activities
  • Hold monthly coordinated meetings with Care & treatment centers (CTC) in implementation area to support shared confidentiality, facilitate case conferencing, improve the bi- directional referral system, and ensure HIV positive beneficiaries receive needed services
  • Support early Childhood Development (ECD) corners at targeted health facilities, including regular monitoring and supportive supervision
  • SupportCommunity Case workers (CCW) with high pediatric volume CTCs to trace HIV positive OVC who miss appointments, enroll them into kizazi Kipya project, and case management refer and link at risk OVC to Testing and counselling (HTC
  • Support CCW to conduct HIV risk assessments for OVC during case management refer and link at risk OVC to HIV testing counselling (HTC)
  • Schedule quarterly sexual Reproductive Health Education outreaches to teen clubs and organize HTC outreach for adolescent with high risk behavior
  • Work with EGPAF to roll out a supplemental HIV curriculum to CCWs and ensure CCWs provide appropriate support to HIV positive OVC and care givers.
  • Support CCWs to strengthen the capacity of caregivers to support HIV positive OVC and that ensure CCWs refers HIV positive OVC and care givers to PLHIV support groups.
  • Ensure screening of caregivers for depression and link them to appropriate services.
  • Support the roll out of evidence based curriculums relating to HIV (e.g. Stepping Stones, Sinovuyo Teens, Sexual Reproductive Health Education, Care for Child Development, Etc.)
  • Support the establishment of a bi-directional referral system to monitor beneficiaries through the HIV continuum of care as well as service completion for other health and social services.
  • Monitor implementation, bottlenecks, and performance metrics of the bi-directional referral system; proactively offer solutions, conduct quality improvement activities and implement adjustments to improve referral outcomes.
  • Coordinate quarterly district level quality improvement meetings with relevant bidirectional referral system stakeholders; ensure actions from the meetings are implemented and the bi- directional referral system is improved.
  • Work with the M&E officer to ensure all bi- directional referral data are accurate and produced weekly; use data for decision making.
  • Lead the development of the service directory for health, nutrition, and HIV services in implementation area; update the directory at least once a year.
  • Support CCWs to conduct nutrition activities, including nutrition assessments, counselling and linkage to other nutrition services providers.
  • Provide continuous supportive supervision to CCWs to ensure provision of health-related services and and referrals and linkages to beneficiaries.
  • Submit timely updates to the program coordinator for inclusion in the quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports.
  • Document lessons learned and best practices for experience sharing and replication.
  • Perform any other relevant duties as assigned by the project coordinator.
  • Assume any other activities as assigned by PASADIT Program Manager or M&E officer

Qualifications and Required Skills:

  • Bachelor Degree in Nursing, Medicine, Health Systems Management and any other Health related Field.
  • Knowledge on HIV/AIDs Counseling and Testing.
  • 2 years’ experience in working with HIV/AIDs counseling and testing issues in the Community.
  • Excellent English and Swahili (writing and Oral Presentation Skills).
  • Computer Skills.
  • Must be willing to work flexible hours, including some evenings and weekends.

Current Jobs updated on Jobs in Tanzania

  1. HIV and Health Officer
  2. Executive Regulatory Affairs - 1 Post
  3. Executive Quality Assurance (Validation) - 1 Post
  4. Executive Quality Assurance (Documentation) - 2 Post
  5. CCTV Technician
  6. Senior Accountant – 1 Post
  7. Legal Officer (Legal Services) – 1 Post
  8. Senior Economist – One Post
  9. Principal Financial Analyst – One Post
  10. Director of Electricity – One Post
  11. Program Officer, Reproductive and Child Health
  12. Program Officer, Quality Improvement
  13. Program Officer, Laboratory Services
  14. Data Management Officer

How To Apply:
Expert’s interest for the Announced positions should forward their copy of Academic Certificates, CVs and Cover Letter BEFORE 3rd MARCH, 2018, 3: 00 PM

Send your application through email or by hand.

P.O.BOX. 1983