Friday, August 21, 2015

Janitor II ( 1 Post) - Mzumbe Dar Campus

Mzumbe University invites applications from suitably qualified and competent Tanzanian applicants to fill the following vacant posts at the Main Campus and Campus Colleges as hereunder indicated: 

Position: Janitor II (1 Post) - Dar es Salaam Campus Colleges

Qualification and Experience
Holder of a Diploma in Education or Home Economics or equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution..

• Assisting in supervising hall attendants.
• Assisting in enforcing students’ rules and regulations.
• Assisting in keeping and maintaining proper residence records.
• Assisting in ensuring security in and around halls of residence.
• Performing any other duties prescribed by supervisor.

Scale: PGSS 3.1

Application letters with detailed curriculum vitae (CV) and copies of relevant certificates should be addressed to Deputy Vice Chancellor Administration and Finance and reach us on or before 5th September, 2015. 

Candidates must also give names, contact addresses as well as telephone numbers of two referees.

Please Note:
- All the positions above require excellent communication skills in both, spoken and written English and Swahili.
- Only short-listed candidates will be contacted through their addresses and/or telephone numbers.

Send your application to:

The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Finance),
Mzumbe University,
P.O. Box 1,