Sunday, August 25, 2013


Position: Accountants
Company: Masasi Nachingwea Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (MANAWASA)

MANAWASA invites application from suitably qualified Tanzanians to fill in the following posts.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Preparation of payment vouchers and Cheques                        
  • Keep and maintain books of accounts                                      
  • Prepare periodic financial reports                                                              
  • Deals with Revenue and Expenditure related activities etc      

  • Advanced diploma or degree in finance, Accounts or NBAA professional level II 
Mode of Application:
Hand written application with detailed CVs,2 passport Size photographs and photocopy of relevant certificates together with names and addresses of at least two referees should be sent to the address below;
Managing Director-MANA WASA
P.O.BOX 133,

Deadline of receiving applications; 22  September 2013

Applicants should indicate their mobile number and email address-Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

Source: Daily News August 23, 2013

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