The East African Community ( EAC), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are join tly implementing a Programme on Climate Chang e Adaptation and Mitigation in the Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA-EAC-SADC) Region under the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite ramework. The overall objective of the Progr amme is to address the impact of climate change through successful adaptation and miti gation actions aimed at building socio-econo mic resilience of communities through Climate-S mart Agriculture (CSA). The Programme is intended to increase investments in climate resilien t and carbon efficient agricultural practices and strengthen linkages between agriculture, f orestry, and other land uses (AFOLU) and re newable energy practices in the COMESA-EAC- SADC Member/Partner States.
The EAC Secretariat has received funding from the Government of Norway; the European Union; and the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland th rough COMESA towards the implementation of the Programme. Part of the funds will be irected towards supporting positions established as part of the Programme Management Unit ( PMU) that will be charged with providing technica l, coordination and administrative functions to be implemented by EAC individually and jointly w ith the other Implementing Partners (COMESA and SADC).
Applications are therefore invited from suitably qualified citizens of East Africa for the following position tenable at the EAC Sec retariat in Arusha, Tanzania.
(REF: EAC/HR/2012-2013/060)
Grade: Equivalent to G5 Administrative/Technical Support Staff Grade
Directorate: Productive Sectors
Reporting to: Climate hange Coordinator
Main purpose of the job:
To perform general office management duties including maintaining of office r ecords, assist in procurement and other office logistical and administrative support and financial management functions including efficient and effective financial accounting.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Preparation of programme documents including preparing invitation letters, background papers, programme and agenda, processing of requisition forms procurement of goods and services in accordance with EAC procurement procedures;
2. Managing the programme calendar of activities in accordance with the work plan;
3. Assist in keeping a register of project equipment and maintenance of office equipment
such as fax, photocopier, telex; and
4. Providing clerical and secretarial support;
5. Ensuring regular supply of office supplies: stationeries, refreshments, utilities, IT supplies, etc;
6. Providing programmatic administrative and logistical support;
7. Arranging travel for Programme staff: flight booking, hotel booking for local and overseas travel following internal procedures;
8. In liaison with the Registry, handling incoming and outgoing correspondences/ mails and draft routine correspondence in response to enquiries on relevant administrative, finance, personnel matters;
9. Maintaining current database of distribution lists, phone/address lists of project contacts and distribute documents; and
10. Promote a positive corporate culture and image of the Community.
Qualifications and Experience
Diploma in Communications, Information Management, Public Relations, or any other related field; excellent Information Communications Technology skills: including proficiency in Microsoft Office software and knowledge of databases management and information systems and Internet tools and good command of English language;
Minimum of five (5) years experience in spearheading communications, information management and public relations activities.
Skills and Competencies:
Proven success record in policy advocacy and campaign, corporate marketing and branding in a busy environment; membership of a professional Association of Public Relations Practitioners will be an added advantage; and experience in project management, administration will be an added advantage.
These are non-established project positions tenable at the EAC Secretariat Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. The positions are supported by COMESA through donor funds provided by the European Union, the Royal Norwegian Government and the Governments of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.
The positions will be tenable for a period not exceeding four (4) years subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funds.
The above positions will be subjected to the EAC quota system.
Interested candidates should submit their applications by registered mail, courier service, e-mail or dispatch together with Curriculum Vitae, copies of both academic and professional certificates and testimonials, names and addresses of three referees, and day time telephone contact to:
The Secretary General
East African Community
P.o Box 1096
Arusha, Tanzania.
Fax No: 007 27 2502455/2504481
To be received not later than 30th may 2013.
Female Candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.
The East African Community will only respond to those candidates who meet its requirements.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Chief Editor
Published Monday, April 29, 2013